How to Have a Bath by Yourself
Step 1. Run the bath. Step 2. Announce you will be a few minutes to have some time to yourself. Step 3. Listen to small child come bounding down the hallway in what sounds like bare feet (this is a good indication all clothes are off. Step 4. Try and reason with small child you wanted quiet alone time. Step 5. Listen to her response; "alone time with just me?" Look into those big blue eyes and little heart shaped mouth. Step 6. Respond "yes alone time with just you". Step 7. Enter older child listen to her explain the importance of spa days and caring for yourself. "Mom you take such good care of me, I need to give you a spa" Step 8. As water is being poured on your head and your hair being brushed, realize these moments will dwindle and you can have plenty of quiet baths when they are grown. #lovebeingamom